23 Apr Digital Transformation
Your issue
Nowadays IT plays a fundamental and strategic role in gaining a real competitive advantage. Becoming a digital organisation, achieving real convergence between IT and business, can be a winning strategy for the success of your business strategies.
What we can do
Implementing a digital transformation, making use of
digital technology (IT, IoT, OT), can enable your company to achieve strategic
business objectives that could not be achieved without the use of technology.
HRV.SSWISS can help you to:
- define the Value Streams and the Customer Journey to support effective value creation
- define the necessary supporting practices, introducing methodologies based on internationally renowned best practices
- help the company to structure the management and control of services in an optimal way, with method and appropriate service integration and management standards, creating total integration between business processes, practices, functions and organisation
- implement service measurements to give clear visibility to executives of improvement opportunities and risks
- implement a continual improvement system aimed at maximizing value whilst optimising cost of services