04 May Corporate Decision Making
Corporate decision making happens at various levels in organizations and can be top down or bottom up
In many organizations, what we see is a top-down decision making in the realms of policy, strategic focus, direction in which the organization has to proceed and bottom-up decision making about the day to day running of the teams.
This practice is successful as long as there is a “glue” to bind the organization together in the form of charismatic leaders or an organizational culture that values coherence and imposes stability. This cultural and organizational plays a critical role since the best laid plans of the top management can go awry in case there is no commitment from the middle management. Hence, many organizations organize off site meetings at resorts and other places where the senior management briefs the middle management about the decisions that they have taken and how it would impact the organization.
HRV.SWISS Sagl is able to guide you along this organizational path thanks to our collaborations and partnerships, also thanks to the support of experienced consultants and professionals, who have years of applicative experience in different sectors of the modern industry.